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Camilla de Maffei
Grande Padre

Grande Padre - Camilla de Maffei Grande Padre - Camilla de Maffei Grande Padre - Camilla de Maffei Grande Padre - Camilla de Maffei Grande Padre - Camilla de Maffei

Exhibition Details

What happens when a regime falls apart? On February 20, 1991 Enver Hoxha’s statue was torn down in Tirana, Albania. After forty-five years of censorship and widespread surveillance, Albanians will be confronted with freedom and emptiness at the same time. Past stereotypes will be eradicated from the country’s identity. A future full of contradictions will be next: migrations, consumerism, Europe.

During six years of work in the youngest country in Europe, as the MEPs in Tirana called it during the revolution, Camilla de Maffei and journalist Christian Elia met Albanians of different ages and profiles – former members of the state police and political prisoners, intellectuals, workers, young members of the new social movements. From the Capital to rural regions, they deepened into gestures, architecture, symbols and iconographies to highlight the scars of a transition.

Far from the rapidity of photojournalism and the cataloguing of historical analysis, Grande Padre (Great Father) evokes the suffocating atmosphere of an era, and the fragility of a new world. Inspired by photographs taken by the Sigurimi intelligence and videos of trials accusing citizens of treason, de Maffei’s images show the obsessive tics of surveillance and power. The texts, reporting fragments of interviews, fill in the gaps of photography, and highlight the parallels between two seemingly opposite eras: the Hoxha regime and the irruption of capitalism.

About the Author

Camilla de Maffei (Italy, 1981) is a photographer and lecturer working between Milan and Barcelona. Since 2009, she has focused her production in the Balkan area, questioning the relationship between territory and landscape. Her work has been exhibited in galleries, institutions and festivals such as Fotografia Europea, Les Boutographies Festival, Manuel Rivera Ortiz Foundation, Palazzo Massari, The Half King Gallery. Her project Delta won the Mallorca Prize for Contemporary Photography and was published by Ediciones Anómalas in 2022. In 2011, together with Eugeni Gay Marin, she founded El Observatorio, a space devoted to photographic creation and visual narrative.


Main Location - Spazio Bianco, DumBO

Via Camillo Casarini, 19 – Bologna
12-15 September
Thu 3pm-9pm. Fri-Sun 10am-9pm

Tickets €10 (Reduced €8)

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